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March 19, 2023
J6 Hostages

This video expresses how I feel after what occurred on Jan 6 in our nation's capital. It features the song "Last days" by NuBreed &Jesse Howard

November 20, 2022
How transparent was it really?

Taken straight from the Maricopa County FINAL 2022 Election Plan.pdf

Did any responsible party read this plan?
Who's job description included opening early ballots?
"...stack ballots for delivery to the Ballot Tabulation Center." Delivery from where?

November 16, 2022
One Health PART 2

The #WEF, #WHO, #CDC have been working on implementing their plan. The #WorldBank & #EcoHealthAlliance are part of the plan too. The #UnitedNations #UnitedHealthCare ##HHS #OneHealth PART 2


Maricopa County must have gotten rid of the 6.1 million dollar tabulation system they got from Dominion in 2019 because they are using a brand-new system in this election Dem Suite 5.17 from Dominion
It was certified by the EAC in 2023
I wonder how much taxpayers paid for it.
Why did they replace DemSuite 5.5b?
Democracy Suite 5.17 https://www.eac.gov/voting-equipment/democracy-suite-517

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This advertising should result in DOMINION’s suspension or other action pursuant to Federal civil and criminal law. It does not reference a specific system yet shows a "Certified" by EAC image.

"Representation of EAC Certification Manufacturers may not represent or imply that a voting system is certified unless it has received a Certificate of Conformance for that system.

Statements regarding EAC certification in brochures, on Web sites, on displays, and in advertising/sales literature must be made solely in reference to specific systems.

Any action by a Manufacturer to suggest EAC endorsement of its product or organization is strictly prohibited and may result in a Manufacturer’s suspension or other action pursuant to Federal civil and criminal law.

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Rabbi Shapiro on how Anti-Zionism became the new Antisemitism

Rabbi Shapiro on how Anti-Zionism became the new Antisemitism | Redacted... via @YouTube

September 09, 2022
Why is the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors shooting at us?
First shots fired in the assault on Election Integrity

This Maricopa.OpenGov.com site is pretty cool. It's a database or spreadsheet of financial transactions for Maricopa County. The State of Arizona makes one available too. I'd been checking the site out and querying the database. The payee was S L I Compliance. 

 I was surprised to see only one record of payment in the last four years to S L I Compliance. Then, I remembered voting machine manufacturers like Dominion pay Voting System Testing Laboratories (VSTLs) to test their machines and software to meet the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines. The payment from Maricopa County to S L I Compliance is for performing the forensic audit of the Dominion software and hardware used in the 2020 election.

It doesn’t make sense for the county to have limited the choice of who could perform their "forensic audit" to Voting System Testing Laboratories (VSTLs) because VSTLs are NOT auditors. The U.S. Election Law does not require EAC certification for auditors.

  EAC "accreditations" carry no legal authority. An accreditation from the Election Assistance Commission indicates a voting system laboratory is approved to test voting machines and software for voting machine manufacturers to see if the manufacturers' product meets EAC Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) standards. If the voting system tested meets the VVSG, the VSTL recommends the EAC certify it as having met: VVSG 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0. That’s all an EAC accreditation signifies, the ability to test voting systems to confirm they meet the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines. 


Suggested Activity

The EAC has a database of certified voting systems available on its website. 

These are screenshots of what I'd like you to see. 

The heading on the third column says, "Testing Standard." Except for the first record that says VSS 2002, every record in the database displays the same information under Testing Standard. VVSG 1.0 (2005)

That means every EAC-certified voting system in use in America today is certified as having met VVSG 1.0 published in 2005— A standard established 17 years ago. 

 We are talking about technology and security standards that are seventeen years old. The county's decision to limit forensic audits to EAC-certified or accredited auditors is based on deception; a lie. a fraudulent statement that only makes sense in the context of a larger plan.

 Lies are projectiles fired at opposing forces in an information war. Why is the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors shooting at us?

The lie about the existence of EAC-certified auditors was the first shot fired in what has escalated into an information war and full-on assault on election integrity and those committed to achieving it. Arizona’s next governor, Kari Lake, wasn’t joking when she greeted a group attending True The Votes’ workshop recently with, "Welcome to ground zero." It did start here. The assault on election integrity and truth began with a one-sided information war against us, with false information bombs being lobbed at the American people. 

There ought to be a law against this!

 We once had a kind of "Information Dome" over this country. It protected us from our government, media, and institutions using propaganda (fake news) inside our country. It was called the Smith-Mundt Act, the US Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948. It could be said that Obama and Biden planned ahead with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 because they removed the protection we once had with it.

What do you mean weapons are pointed at me right now?

I’d venture to say most Americans don’t know when this war started, that includes myself. It’s been a kind of process, like peeling back layers of cellophane; coherent situational awareness increases with each layer removed. Most don't recognize the form weapons of mass destruction have taken in this information war, nor do they realize they are the targets and are taking direct hits.

For example, the election altering, information deprivation inflicted by the atomic bomb size lies about Hunter’s laptop dropping on the American people just before the 2020 election. Twitter bound and gagged an entire newspaper and wouldn't let a peep of truth out. According to Mark Zuckerberg, the FBI influenced Facebook's involvement in that bombing run on us. Then there are those fifty-one current and former intelligence officials that hit Americans with heavy artillery contained in a letter saying Hunter’s laptop was "sophisticated Russian disinformation". They were not all from the same government intelligence agency but who they are, where they work, and their sphere of influence tells me they are armed, dangerous, and recently publicly informed by resident Joe Biden that MAGA Americans like me, are what is wrong with this nation. Here are just a few of them the rest can be seen in this article where they are Named and Shamed

Joe Biden, government intelligence agencies, social media, and big tech were aiming with their lies to kill before November 3rd. come to think of it, sticking with the analogy, it could be said they were assassinating sitting President Donald J Trump, definitely his re-election.

Truth is the deception detector.

Once deception is detected in public statements made by well-known, once-trusted public figures and institutions, etc., each providing a cellophane layer of alternative truth to the false narrative they collectively generate, it becomes possible to separate light from darkness because the light of truth reveals deception. The knowledge they fear is the weapon we must use to defeat them. What knowledge do they fear? The truth. That's why they fear our audit. 

 It's the Constitutional Republic, at least until recently. We've never been under mob rule.

In all my years, I’d not given much thought to the frequent recurrence of fundamental principles being essential to the security of individual rights and the perpetuity of free government.  Okay, I had never given it ANY thought - until now. I was there, I participated, and that makes it personal. I know the forensic audit Cyber Ninjas, CyFir, and Jovan H Pulitzer performed in Maricopa County, was conceived of in the hearts and minds of the people. It wasn’t Trump. Stop blaming him. It wasn’t Karen Fann & the Arizona Senate. Stop blaming them too.

It was us. It was me. It was "WE THE PEOPLE."

The people in whom all political power is inherent. The individuals from whose consent, county, state, and federal governments derive their just powers. The ones whose individual rights, our governments were established to protect and maintain. 

We didn’t just call our elected representatives. We burned up their phone lines for months on end. We, the people, repeatedly, drowned them in emails and notarized affidavits. We were peacefully and legally relentless. We put them on notice. We made our collective voice so loud that it could not be ignored by public servants whose purpose for serving included protecting and maintaining our God-given rights. We communicated. We met with them. We demanded a forensic audit.

The governed are not merely customers of our government. We created our government, and we can alter or abolish it.

Senate President Fann and some of our representatives listened to us. The Supervisors didn't, nor did they listen to their fellow Supervisor, Steve Chucri. Had the Supervisors listened to the people who elected and pay them instead of lawyers, special interests, and unjust sources of political power, they would have instantly renewed our confidence and trust in them, but they didn't. They would have cleared themselves of suspicion of wrongdoing, instead, they made themselves more suspect. They could have been American heroes who unanimously voted to stand for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. They didn't do that either; they unanimously voted to fire the first shot in the assault on election integrity and the people of Maricopa County.

"I'm not looking to overthrow the American government; the corporate state already has." - John Trudell

It took convincing of the constitutional kind—learning for some, refreshing & renewing for others. Kind of a personal recurrence of fundamental principles, biblically based. We have Mr. Dave Jose to thank for providing wisdom and teaching in that area. We all have talents and abilities others may lack that are needed to accomplish our goals. Truth beckoned to the called to reveal it.  Like Liz Harris and the army of patriotic volunteers who accomplished a real canvas in the Phoenix summer heat. There is one thing everyone involved with making our audit happen has in common, and that is where we stand. We all stand with one foot on our state constitution and the other foot firmly planted on the United States Constitution. So the next time anybody says we don't support and defend the constitution and we don't believe in the rule of law, be confident they are intentionally discharging a loaded weapon in your direction, maybe at point-blank range. 

The most relevant and most censored information, - TRUTH about the People’s Forensic Audit in Maricopa County I want every constitution defending freedom fighter, and champion of election integrity to hear, is this:

This country. Our country—came with an owner's manual.

Masses of people woke up on the evening of November 3rd, 2020, just after the voting poles closed in Arizona. Fox hit us so hard that night, that they helped us remember who we are. We recognized and assumed the responsibility inherent in our birthright as Americans, with which we claim the right to make our homes and raise our families on this land, secured for us by our forefathers with life, limb, and crimson red blood. A responsibility ignored too long by most - to communicate, educate, instruct, and monitor those we employ to serve us, and to reprove them in love. Like the parents who leave the teenagers home while they go out of town for the weekend, and upon returning find the kids had a house party in their absence. It doesn't make them bad kids and of course, the parents still love them. The fact remains there was a lack of supervision and they took advantage of it.  Responsible parents reassert their authority and reprove their children in love. It's the same with our public servants, they are to be reproved in love. Should they refuse to submit to our constitutional authority... that's a horse of a different color.

Our form of government worked !!!

 The Arizona Senate listened to us, their lawyers, and each other, then they fought and fought, sometimes tooth and nail, to get us what was ours by right to have, right down to 100% of the paper ballots. We made no bones about what we wanted, we were very clear about getting 100% of the paper ballots and nothing else would suffice. We know Senate President Fann never used the word "fraud" concerning our audit, and we know why. The forensic audit we wanted wasn't their idea. They didn’t exactly jump on board with what we wanted to be done. We reproved them in love.

Our elected representatives in the Arizona Senate took up our cause, followed their protocols, and withstood the craziest, most fanatical, well-orchestrated heavy shelling attack on every information front. An attack the likes of which is rivaled by just one other; the attack on Donald J. Trump, both of which continue today. I feel a sense of pride in making the statement, "Senate President Karen Fann and the Arizona Senate got us the audit we wanted." Then the attacks intensified.

Historical Fact

We, the people of Maricopa County, told our elected representatives in the Senate to conduct that forensic audit. Just like the Supervisors told Jarrett and Valenzuela to conduct their audit.  It wasn’t President Trump’s and it wasn’t our Senate's; it was The People’s Forensic Audit.

"The power of our intelligence, individually or collectively, IS the power; that any industrial ruling class truly fears: clear, coherent human beings." - John Trudell.

I've recently come to the realization that IS why those who first declared their intent to audit the 2020 election, not just here but across the country, were met with frenzied, hate-filled attacks from every aspect of American society, infiltrated and weaponized by those in high places with something to hide... which is most of them. We blindsided the arrogant asses.

They didn’t think there were enough of us left capable of comprehending and utilizing the owner’s manual our forefathers carefully wrote and preserved for us. It had to be Trump or grifting racist politicians who conceived of a way to find out what happened in our 2020 election. It couldn’t have been us "deplorables"; our oppressors believe us incapable of coherent thought.

We are part of The Creation. Just like the earth, we are a natural source of power and energy.  

When two or more of us are in agreement, individual power is multiplied. You may have heard it expressed this way; "Whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name, - There is Love", or "if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done." We form an electrical circuit when we are in physical contact with each other. If we all held hands and at least one of us stood barefoot on the earth, we would be one huge grounded circuit. Our enemy’s primary strategy has always been to divide and isolate us. They have succeeded in isolating most of us from our natural relationship with the planet. They keep instigating unrest between us based on superficial differences between us. Human DNA has roughly three billion bases, and 99 percent of them are the same in every person. We are more alike than we are different, we all have the same basic needs and desires. Sometimes I think our need for attention as we struggle to emerge and remain unique individuals plays into the enemy's plan to divide us. When was the last time you grounded your electric self to the planet?

“Governments don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. That is against their interests. They want obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept it.“ George Carlin

 Our minds are what we are here to learn to use. Of course, they want to control what we think! Our enemy knows how powerful we are, we are the ones that don’t realize that yet. They tried to assume control when they separated and muzzled us. They thought they had control over information. The only common knowledge being fed to the masses was provided by Mr. Global and the elitists.

Everyday Americans—with friends, families, and neighbors—from all walks of life and backgrounds felt compelled to research what legacy media presented as truth and use their YouTube and social media accounts to share information. The information gatekeepers of social media only react when information that passes through them is identified as containing, promoting, or resulting in predetermined undesirable human behavior.

I heard an interview with a security expert who said that security experts who say a system is 100% secure are not being honest because a system can only be secured against known threats. I guess they didn't consider a few individuals telling the truth in an ocean of information of subject matter as varied as the users that create the content, a threat.

Lies equate to projectiles because they are propelled by the intent of words manifesting an injury or otherwise harming the target.

Truth, like the sun and moon, can not be long hidden and has strengths and powers of its own. Our oppressors sorely underestimated the right-acting person's affinity for the truth and did not secure their system against the ability of truth to draw like-minded people to it. They freaked out when independent news source Marfoogle News.com manifested groups of like-minded people in every state, and a few countries, getting together regularly and supporting each other. The Foogle Fam had done something VERY powerful that the controllers of information did not know could be done. Adam transformed thousands of "followers", online personalities into real-time like-minded people bonding and supporting each other. When the information controllers discovered this and confirmed the communications hub from which accurate information and timely conversations were freely flowing and converting online into real-time actions; The discord Adam and the Foogle Family had created vanished overnight.

When they figured out we, the people, were pushing the forensic audit buttons here in Maricopa County, they did a bit of reconnaissance, confirmed targets, and then severed our communications. History will not forget "The Great YouTube Censorship and Purge." Words like ballot and Dominion were taboo, not to be spoken. The topic of Joe being just a resident was, and possibly still is, forbidden. 

Government influence weaponized a company that provided a platform for information and public opinion to be shared, the "town square of the times," to censor information and public opinion that was different from or questioned, the official truth provided thought-free, compliments of M K Ultra. Our public servants influenced private businesses to financially injure the people they provided a service to, in order to control information. This time the oppressors forcibly prevented the flow of personal opinion, targeted information, and cut income out of people's lives. Independent and citizen journalists were de-platformed, effectively shutting them up and shutting down their businesses. The best example of this is this firing squad piece written by Olivia Little that took out our communications.  YouTube is ground zero for fraudulent election audit advocacy.

One person wrote a "hit list" of people on YouTube who were part of our grassroots movement, and YouTube took them out. We still trust, follow, and support those who were falsely accused in the hit piece and upon whom summary judgments were passed and left without recourse. It's the mainstream, legacy media delivering programming to the masses that we turned away from. 

The First Amendment prohibits Congress from making laws "abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;" but it doesn’t specify anything about the government leaning on, pressuring, persuading, or partnering with private businesses and NGOs to do the abridging for the government. That’s almost as rich as; "They didn’t subpoena the archives." 

Government entities such as the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, and the Secretary of State, up to and including the President, derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. In other words; Our consent or permission is the source of the lawful powers of governing bodies such as the Board of Supervisors, Secretary of State, and even the President. It is not just or lawful powers such entities operate under when they oppose, oppress, humiliate, disrespect, degrade, and intimidate the governed.

How back ass words is it that the people we chose (?) and pay to serve us are baffling us with their Bull Sh*t and killing us with their lies. They have no power and no money of their own. It’s our money and our power we let them use, and if it’s not ours they are using, well, they ain’t working for us, are they!

Likewise, if the government is not protecting and maintaining our rights as individuals, then it is betraying its very purpose. If we do not educate, monitor, and hold accountable abusers of the power and money we entrust the government to wield powerfully for the benefit of our children and their children, then we are equally as guilty as the tyrants and abusers for the state of affairs we find ourselves in.

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